crop happens…

I Hate Eggs

Except for these! Greg’s deviled eggs. They are sooo good, I could eat the whole tray by myself… all at once! Greg doesn’t believe me and says that I couldn’t do it. Guess I’ll have to prove him wrong some day.

Btw. I didn’t always hate eggs. I used to like them, until I ate waaaaayyyyyy too many of them one Easter, when I was still a kid.


4 responses

  1. photographybycheryl

    I am coming over for lunch today…I love deviled eggs…actually, I just love eggs!!!!! Great dof in this pic M! Now that you made me hungry, I better go eat breakfast!

    5. February, 2008 at 07:51

  2. doreen3boys

    My dh HATES eggs……won’t come near me if I’ve just eaten them, he’s told people he works with that they are not allowed to order egg salad and won’t let them eat it in the shop either, lol!!!
    I LOVE deviled eggs too……hmmm, I”m hungry, great pic!

    5. February, 2008 at 08:34

  3. thedailyclick

    Sure, come on over, Cheryl. But you better pick up more eggs on the way and beg Greg to make more. There’s ONE left right now, and that won’t make it until lunch! LOL
    Doreen, I don’t hate eggs as much as your dh 😉

    5. February, 2008 at 08:43

  4. dalia

    Those do look yummy!

    5. February, 2008 at 11:28

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