crop happens…

Posts tagged “Clover

London is Calling…

…and I must go!

I may or may not have booked my next trip to London today. I’m SO excited!!! Is it June yet??

2014/136: Smile, It’s Friday!

Have a wonderful week-end!



A thousand hearts would be too few to hold all my love for you
~ unknown


2014/133: One For Luck

Wishing a very good friend the best of luck today! 😉

And yes, it’s a real four-leaf clover. No cheating! I was lucky enough to find it one evening in my front yard. We had just come home from the store or from dinner….or somewhere, I don’t remember anymore. I got out of the car, and happened to look down when this little guy reached up his arms and said “Pick me! Pick me!”….. so I did 🙂


Had to take some pictures of it first, and then went back out front to look for more, but nope, this one seemed to be the only one.

2014/073: Trevor, Macro Photographer

Of course I taught him everything he knows! 😉

2014-073 1a-WM

2014-073 1b-WM




Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul that you never knew was missing.
~ Torquato Tasso


2012/148: I Loved You Yesterday…

… I love you today… I will love you tomorrow.


2012/041: Clover Hearts

2011/174: Clover

2011/001: Happy New Year!

Best wishes for a year of good luck, health and happiness.

Thank you Dana, for the 2011 bokeh idea 🙂


2010/159: Good-luck Charm

2009/76: Shamrock


2009/46: A Bug’s View (1)

