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Posts tagged “Music


2014/052: Karma’s Photo Hunt

Did you enter Karen’s A Blogger Contrived Photo Huntย ? If not, there’s still time, as the due date isn’t until February 25th.
For this photo hunt we were supposed to choose a word, and then look for objects around the house that start with each letter of our chosen word. It sounded easy, but then I had a hard time finding objects to represent the letters.
I chose my name as my word: Michaela (for those of you who didn’t / don’t know ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and I decided to take two photos for each letter…

M is for Music (OK, not technically an object) and this is my favorite way to listen to it
2014-052 1aM

M is also for Markers (Sara thought of those, because I couldn’t think of anything else LOL)
2014-052 1bM

I is for iMessages…. again, not technically an object, but they’re the only good thing to wake up to when you’re up at Stoopid o’clock. Reading those is the first thing I do after dragging myself out of bed, and having TEN of them waiting for me that morning was a nice surprise (even if they are all from the same person)
2014-052 2ai

I is also for Ivy…. one of the more recent plants I bought. We shall see how long it will survive. I tend to forget to water them. Oops!
2014-052 2bi

C is for Coffee…. the other nice thing when you’re up at Stoopid o’clock!
2014-052 3aC

C is also for Candle. Love them!! This one was on my desk (will be again soon, but it has been temporarily replaced with a different candle) and I light it in the morning when it’s still dark out (you know…at Stoopid o’clock ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) so I don’t have to turn on the light
2014-052 3bC

H is for Hearts…. because I know you all would have been disappointed if I didn’t post any hearts! These are my heart-shaped rocks that I found over the years.
2014-052 4aH

H is also for Herbs, and I’m glad they’re not spelled Erbs, or I might still be looking for another object that starts with H ๐Ÿ˜›
2014-052 4bH

A is for Apple…. sadly I’m allergic to raw apples, they make my throat itch terribly!
2014-052 5aA

A is for Apple (I know I said that already LOL)
2014-052 5bA

E is for Ear buds…. sometimes those are needed to listen to music.
2014-052 6aE

E is also for Eggs…. which I don’t like at all unless they’re deviled eggs.
2014-052 6bE

L is for Lace
2014-052 7aL

L is also for Letters. I still love it when I get a letter in the mail, how about you? All these are from Germany.
2014-052 7bL

A is for Art…. and I have two talented artists as daughters. 17-year-old Melissa, and 10-year-old Sara. I’m sure you can tell who drew what ๐Ÿ™‚
2014-052 8aA

A is unfortunately also for Antihistamine, because Allergy season is right around the corner.
2014-052 8bA

2012/038: Smile

Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this song ๐Ÿ™‚

2010/063: Tunes

My new toy should be arriving tomorrow (finally!! This week has been dragging onย 
f o r e v e r!!) and I need new tunes. What are your favorite songs/artists?

2009/112: Bonus – Green

Green – fitting for Earth Day
Yes, it was on and I was listening to the music when I took this picture. My new itty-bitty little toy (small enough to hide from the kids, who want one, too! Melissa is especially jealous!)
The color choice was difficult. I loved them all! Couldn’t get the pink, because then Melissa would have snatched it for sure (her favorite color), blue would have been next on the list. The safest would have probably been silver (pretty for mom, boring for the kids), but I went with green because it’s bright and fun, and one of my favorite colors….and very photogenic ๐Ÿ˜‰
