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Posts tagged “Heart

To My Valentine


….And Now I Have Three!

I’ve wanted a tattoo for a years ! I’ve even mentioned it in this post but I’ve always been too chicken to do it (a tattoo of a chicken was mentioned in the comments – haha, very funny :-P)
Then last year, after a devastating event, I decided it was finally time to overcome my fear and just DO IT! And I knew exactly what I wanted. The initials of all four of my kids in the shape of a heart….and I must say, it worked out perfectly. The design was a bit of a problem for me, though, because I was working with all upper case letters…until a friend’s genius idea of using lower case, then it all came together nicely.
My hip seemed the perfect spot for it, because that’s where I carried them when they were little (not to mention the fact that there’s a bit of umm…padding…which would hopefully make it less painful 😉 ) It really wasn’t bad at all. It stings a little bit and kind of feels like someone’s drawing on you with a mechanical pencil. The weirdest thing was the vibrations I felt from my hips all the way down my legs.

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The thing about tattoos…..they’re addicting! You can’t just stop at one, because you’ll want another one. NEED another one! LOL
And the perfect second tattoo for me? A camera of course! A very good friend of mine was nice enough to agree to draw one for me (Thank you! Again) because my camera drawing skills just aren’t that great, and I wanted something original. As expected, this hurt a bit more than the first one, but still not too bad. Ha this one done in February, about a week after my birthday.

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When I got my camera tattoo, I already knew that I wanted a third (did I mention tattoos are addictive??) and decided on a butterfly. Just because I like butterflies. And this time it was my own drawing, too. I chose my left shoulder because it just seemed like the right spot to put it, and it would balance out the other two that are both on the right side of my body. Had this one done just a couple of days ago

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Not sure if I’ll stop at three. I might. But there’s also a chance that I might…maybe…possibly….get two more. Just need to decide what and where 😉

A big thank you to Matt (who did my first tattoo) and Daryl (who did the other two) at Scarecrow Tattoo and Art Gallery for doing such a wonderful job.


{his key}  to  {my heart}


2014/070: Fun With Citrus

Found this cute little snail posted on Instagram a while back, and decided to make my own.
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Of course this was a necessity! 😉
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And when Brian showed me his elephant, I had to give it a try, too!
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2014/068: Do You See What I See?

I see an upside-down heart with a….caterpillar?…crawling on it. Although it could be something else 😉


2014/045: Happy Valentine’s Day

You are my soul mate, my sweetheart,
You are my dream come true.
From now until the end of time
I give my heart and soul to you.

2014-045 WM


2014/042: ♥

For, you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.
~ Rosemonde Gerard


2014/041: Bursting

…..with Love



Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls
to arrive at its destination full of hope.
 ~ Maya Angelou


2014/038: My Heart Runneth Over


2014/032: Right From The Start…

True story 😉

2014-032 WM


WARNING: With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, this blog might possibly get most definitely a bit extremely sappy. Maybe!
Non-romantics may want to keep away for at least the next couple of week
s 😉

2014/018: Sand Art

Both by Sara, although she had a little help from me finding seashells for the heart. Had to work quickly so it wouldn’t get washed away before it was finished.

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2014-018 2

Hearts In Nature

I love finding heart shaped things in nature ♥

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2013-068 b

Candy Cane Love

What’s Christmas time without candy canes? 😉


No Cookie Cutters Have Been Sacrificed…

…in the making of these photos.

Some of you may remember this post from last year. Well, I finally got around to doing a little experiment and was quite pleased with the way it turned out. Thankfully it didn’t burn as fast as I thought (or was afraid) it would, and I had several shots to choose from. I was also afraid that I would have to sacrifice my favorite cookie cutter (not that I actually ever make cookies with, it’s strictly for photography purposes 😉 ) but thankfully it’s still good as new.

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…and all that’s left are the charred remains of my heart
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Once again I have to thank Brian for his help. Not with editing this time, but settings advice….even though I almost regretted listening to him and shooting in RAW. Thanks, friend 🙂

2012/289: Charmed

A little souvenir from Michigan. Had to….just can’t resist a pretty heart 😉

2012/082: I’m Giving You All My Love

2012/081: ♥

2012/043: Heart Of Fire

2011/365: Thank You

Thank you to all my readers, for making this another great blogging year. It wouldn’t be half the fun without you! It’s been an exciting year, with my blog subscribers growing to more than 80! Of course being featured on WordPress’ Freshly Pressed had a lot to do with that 😉
It was so nice, making a few new friends, and I’m ever so greatful for all my longtime readers who keep sticking around.
I’m so excited to officially start my 5th blogging year tomorrow!

Last but not least, I also want to wish my hubby a very Happy Bithday! Love You!


2011/301: Cannstatter Volksfest

Oh, how I miss it!
Some of you may know that I grew up in Stuttgart, Germany. Bad Cannstatt, to be exact, which is a suburb of Stuttgart. 
The Volksfest is a big carnival (October Fest), starting in late September and ending in mid October, lasting for three weeks.
It was something we looked forward to, and we met our friends there after school several times in those three weeks. We had son much fun! Admission is free, and you only pay for the rides you want to go on.
This year, my best friend sent me a little surprise in the mail… a gingerbread heart from the Cannstatter Volksfest. I thought about saving it, but then decided to eat it 🙂

(Here’s a little more about the Volksfest history if anyone is interested)

I think those yellow globs with the white globs at the top of the heart are supposed to be beer glasses.

2011/196: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Like this cute little ring!
I received a $10 off a $10 purchase coupon from JC Penney in the mail (love those!), and found this ring on sale for $9.99! And you know me… can’t resist a heart 😉

2011/134: From The Heart

2011/130: Create

And so I did.  My first attempt at making jewelry. I bought the flower charms sometime last year, and added one to my charm bracelet. Then last week I bought the green beads and thought they would go perfectly with the green center of the flowers.
Wrapping the headpins (the piece that goes through the bead) was not easy, and I can’t even tell you how many of them I messed up!! It looks a little sloppy, but I can deal with that 😉

Before I made the earrings, I made this necklace, insprired by Becky’s Necklace. My best friend sent me the little camera charm as a surprise, and I just HAD to make a necklace! The little frame (you can see just a small part of it in the top of the picture) was a bit of a problem. I used to see them at Michaels Arts & Crafts when I had no need for them, but when I needed one, well, there were nowhere to be found! Thankfully Becky had one in stock and sold it to me, and all I needed to do was decide on a picture. I also found headpins with a tiny little heart at the end… couldn’t have been more perfect! I only ruined three of those headpins in the process.

(Facebook friends can see a different shot of the necklace in my Wall Photos album)