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Posts tagged “Snowman

To My Valentine


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas….. May you all be on Santa’s “Good List” this year.

2013-064 WM


2012/357: Christmas Ornaments

Just two that can be found on my tree this year.

2012-357 1

2012-357 2



2012/341: It’s Beginning…

…to look a lot like Christmas.
Today’s the day the decorations come out. The tree won’t go up until a week or so before Christmas, though.

2011/354: Smokey, The… Snowman?

Isn’t he cute?
The snowman lifts up and you put a cone-shaped thingie* on the small piece of metal, and light it.

* I don’t know what this cone-shaped thingie is called. The German word is Räucherkerze. I guess it’s like incense??

2011/336: Hi, I’m New

The newest little cutie in my snowman ornament collection.

2011/010: It Snowed! (Part 1)

I  know I promised flower pictures, but it snowed here in the Dallas area yesterday, and how can I not post snow pictures for the next two weeks? Just kidding, I will only torture you with snow pictures for the next three days, and I will keep my promise and post a flower bonus this afternoon.

We couldn’t find any snow penguins (here is a larger view), just two little snow men. The first one was built by Melissa and set on top of our privacy fence so he could look out into the neighborhood. Sara placed hers next to our back porch. She was trying to make him a little hat out of pebbles, but then changed her mind.

2011/006: Bonus – Before It All Came Down

… it was time for one last picture. My little snow couple, and surprise Christmas gift. They are flameless candles, and sure to never melt 😉
Hopefully these two will be good luck, as we are expecting an “arctic front” this week-end. Temperatures are supposed to start dropping on Sunday afternoon, and next week our highs will be in the 30’s, and lows in the teens and 20’s. There’s even a chance of snow Sunday night and Monday! *Crossing my fingers*

2011/002: Two More

Two more little snowmen to add to my snowman ornament collection.

2010/364: Let It Snow

I wish!

2010/362: Peace (1)

Find #2 at the after-Christmas clearance sales. A snowman AND a heart! Can’t go wrong with that! 😉

2010/361: Season’s Greetings

I know Christmas is over, but you can’t just quit cold turkey, right? I had to hit some of the after-Christmas clearance sales to see if I could find some cute snowman ornaments.

2010/359: Bonus: Ornaments

This one was a Christmas gift from my best friend in Germany. A little something from the Erzgebirge.

She sent this little cutie to Melissa (unfortunately they didn’t have one with my name). It’s a snowglobe snowman, and it says Fröhliche Weihnachten Melissa (Merry Christmas Melissa)

Frosty was Sara’s Christmas gift to me. A perfect addition to my snowman ornament collection.

Do S’mores people count as snowmen, too? I think they do 🙂 This one is an older ornament, that I found a year or two ago.

2010/356: Snowman

I love you, little snowman ornament, but I’d trade you for the real thing in a heartbeat! 😉

2010/354: Joy

Snowmen….. I love them with all my heart 😉
One day I want to decorate the Christmas tree only with snowman ornaments and glass ball ornaments.

2010/353: Favorite Pair

These two might look familiar to some of my most loyal readers.

2010/046: Bonus – Texas Snowday, Part 1

Thursday, February 11, 2010 – afternoon

2010/032: Indiana Snow, Part 7

2010/030: Snowman

2010/024: Indiana Snow, Part 5

On our last day, New Year’s Eve, it warmed up just enough to make the powdery snow into a wet snow… perfect for a snowball fight and building a snowman.


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
With any luck I’ll be able to post some real snow pictures soon!

2009/364: Little Artist – 2

This one is my favorite of the three.